tirsdag 12. november 2013

A little update here from Papua

Boa tarde!

So, I've already been here in Papua New Guinea for five days, and my god time flies fast! My first reaction was the smells and the air, like always when I walk of the plain it takes me by suprise, it's like being in a balloon where all the air suddenly goes out and the walls of the balloon presses tight against your body. 
I met up with my cousin (that decided to live here after a visit when she was nineteen) early the first morning, and learned a couple of interesting facts about the country;

The first European to see the country was a Portuguese man with name Antonio d'Abreu in 1511, that's why I started out with "Boa tarde" (Portuguese for good evening). Also I learnt that Papua ew Guinea is the country with the most different languages; 820 tribal language, but thats not even the amazing part; Papua new guinea constitutes 12% of the total languages of the world! I also both learnt and found out that not too many actually speak English here, it's only the education system and government that uses it.

Right now I'm sitting in the lobby in a hotel in Olatau (out on the tip of the isle) where they have free WI-FI, so I've used the opportunity to read a little something about the population and lifespan of the men and women, and I wasn't really blown away when I saw how low the death rate were.

the population in Papua New Guinea, http://www.indexmundi.com/graphs/population-pyramids/papua-new-guinea-population-pyramid-2012.gif, 12.nov

I mean, compared to Norway, you can really see the difference, but I guess that's just how it is; you take a poor country, and there will be born lots of babies, but they'll die, and you take a rich country, there won't be so many births, but once they is born they survive, the country may even be so good to live in that there will come grownups from all around the world to live there.

the poupulation in Norway, http://www.indexmundi.com/graphs/population-pyramids/norway-population-pyramid-2012.gif, 12.nov.13

http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papua_Ny-Guinea, 1.april.13

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